Three Crucial Guidelines to Follow When Having a Septic Tank Pumped
ShareMost houses have a sewerage system where the waste moves through a system managed by the municipal council. There are, however, a few private residencies that own their own private waste disposal system that include a septic tank. The tank is usually located a few meters from the property. The tanks are set up to separate and decompose the waste that flows in. However, they do fill up with time, leading to the need for pumping. Here are three guidelines that you should follow to ensure safety and efficiency when having a septic tank pump-out.
Learn to Check for Signs of Clogging
A homeowner should understand all the signs that indicate that their septic system may be failing. Some of the most common indicators of a septic system that is overworked include sluggishness in the drainage, odour in the home, greener lawns and standing water in the compound. Also, high content of nitrates in well water could mean that the tank is failing. In most cases, homeowners realise there is a problem when sewage starts backing up into the house.
Consider the Season before Pumping
It is not advisable to pump out your septic tank during a heavy downpour or after a storm. Experts avoid pumping when the water levels in the environment are high because it increases the risk of breaking the sewerage pipes. The period between September and April is when the weather is wettest in the country. It is, therefore, the least suitable time to pump out a septic tank. However, if a professional plumber recommends it, the tank can be pumped during this season.
Proper Maintenance Reduces the Need to Pump
A septic tank works best when the natural bacteria are allowed to carry out aerobic decomposition. The best way to ensure that your tank serves you for a long time is by maintaining the proper environment within to avoid killing these bacteria. Some of the things that kill the bacteria include harsh chemicals going down the drain, certain soaps and detergents. Check all chemical products that you are using in the home and ensure that they are septic safe.
These are the crucial guidelines that will help you maintain the health of your septic tank system. The essential thing to remember is that only a qualified professional should check the condition of a septic tank and determine whether it needs pumping. Pumping should also be done in the presence of a professional as opposed to DIY fixes.